About Sri Jagannath Sanskrit Viswavidyalaya Puri
THE PRINCIPAL : Prof. Nilakantha Pati, V.C
Contact Number: : 06752251663, 06752250484
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
Dr. N.C. Jena, Development Officer
Contact Number: : 06752251213, 06752251063
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Sri B.B. Rath, Comptroller of Finance
Contact Number: : 06752256668, 06752251063
Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Viswavidyalaya arose to the occasion in the year 1981 with a mission to quench the thirst of the Sanskrit lovers not only of the state of Orissa, but also of the different nooks and corners in India. Its objective has been to inculcate the concept of higher education in Sanskrit for the mass, long starving for a systematic knowledge of the language and its associated culture. Accordingly the Vishvavidyalaya opened with all kinds of teaching aids required for higher education in order to nourish the youth for getting education in Sanskrit at the level of Madhyama ( HSC), Upasastri (+2), Sastri (+3), Acharya ( P.G.) , Visistacharya ( M.phil) & Vidyavaridhi ( Ph.D) along with other research activities since its inception . Thus this Vishvavidyalaya takes a challenging task in shaping a plastic youth to achieve a glorious trophy to be considered as a big gun in Sanskrit. It is the third Sanskrit University of India. Quantitatively by harbouring nearly two hundred sixteen colleges, it is considered to be the largest among its counter parts. Qualitatively the flavour is smelt in different Universities as the pass out students of this University has almost swarmed all over India.
It is governed by the Orissa Universities Act 1989 (Orissa Act 5 of 1989) and the Orissa Universities First statues 1990.
Till date, the Vishvavidyalaya sticks to its determined line and length by providing teaching facilities for the development of Sanskrit through out the state. The chief function of this establishment is to disseminate knowledge to the students in different fields besides making them well equipped in Sanskrit culture. It aims at over all development of students and teachers in physical, mental and moral sphere. It organizes state, national as well as international level seminars and also extends facilities for external lectures along with various work-shops for the mental, intellectual and educational betterment of students .Various Societies and associations relating to social services and cultural activities have been instituted in order to pacify the craving of the students. These are functioning in order to insight vigour, enthusiasm and feeling of national integration among the Students .Last but not the least, it bents upon the proliferation of Sanskrit as a language , discipline as well as a culture for which it has established a research wing called as CARS.
THE PRINCIPAL : Prof. Nilakantha Pati, V.C
Contact Number: : 06752251663, 06752250484
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
Dr. N.C. Jena, Development Officer
Contact Number: : 06752251213, 06752251063
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Sri B.B. Rath, Comptroller of Finance
Contact Number: : 06752256668, 06752251063