Anchalika (Degree) Mahavidyalaya, Padmapur, Keonjhar , Orissa
is the first College of Sadar Block,
imparting Courses on +3 Arts, Since, 1992-93 academic Session. The College got
its first Recognition, from Govt. of Odisha from 1992-93 Session at first it
was affiliated to Utkal University and subsequently to North Orissa
University , Takatpur,
Baripada, when this new University was founded. The College has been accorded
Permanent Govt. Recognition and Permanently affiliated from 2003-2004 session.
Besides offering various optional subjects, i.e. History, Pol. Science, Economics,
Education, Odia, Sociology, the College imparts Honours Courses on the Subject
Pol. Science, Odia, Sociology, Education.
This College owes its inception to untiring efforts and
initiative of People academically entrusted people of Padampur and its
adjoining Region, in order to Cater to need of Higher Education of Tribal and
poor students of the region, Who were deprived of under Graduate level
Education, as there were only two Govt.
Degree College
at District Head Quarter, Keonjhar. Special mention must be made that this
College is exclusively imparting +3 courses, as there is a Separate Junior (+2)
College, at Padamapur named Anchalika Junior Mahavidyalaya, established in 1987
and it is a Govt. Aided College our College and a Junior College at Padampur
two Separate entity, having no link with each other. these two
Institutions have Separate land, Building, Staff, Govt. Body, running in two
different Campus. The Background to such two Separate Colleges is that, on
being not Permitted to update the Anchalika (Junior) Mahavidyalaya, Padamapur
to Degree level, on Account of Govt. Policy of Separation from 1990, the People
of this region having formed a separate registered Society made the effort to
Establish a Separate
College for Degree
Courses. Consequent upon that, a new College, named Anchalika Mahavidyalaya +3
was established late Maheswara Sahu. The Dept. of Higher Education. Govt. of
Odisha, While granting Permission for Establishment, had Categorically
instructed to make it a Separate
College , having no link
with the existing (+2) College. The Foundation Stone of this College was laid
by Late Maheswar Sahoo. So, keeping in view of Policy at Govt. this College,
Which is has been named by DHE, Odisha as Anchalika Degree Mahavidyalaya,
Padamapur (Ref-College Code: 18133304) Marching forward for realization of
dream of Providing quality Education to the under Privileged Students of sadar
Block, which is needles to say, a scheduled Area.
For Details on College One can Contact the Following Authorities
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
The Principal
Dr. Kshyanaprava Pattnaik
(I/c) Lect. in Pol. Science
Mobile - 9437377144
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Sj. Jagmohan Mahanta - Clerk
Mobile - 9437750750
Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO):
Sj. Gatikrushna Barik - Lect. in History
Mobile -9438475447