Established in 1991 as Ananta Balia Junior Mahavidyalaya, at
Nuagarh, Telengapenth, in the District of Cuttack has been functioning smoothly
in fulfilling its mission. he institution aims at imparting proper education in
an peaceful atmosphere. Besides this emphasis is given on character building
and developing positive attitude of the students. Initially the college was
granted permission for student strength of 64 in 1993. But keeping in mind the
students' demand the total intake has been increased to 128 since 1999. The
college at present under the processing for Grant in Aid as declared in 2009
has been functioning smoothly amidst peaceful atmosphere. Besides imparting
education as per CHSE norms we aim at the complete personality development of
the students.
For Details on College One can Contact the Following Authorities
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
The Principal
Sri. Prasanta Kumar Mohapatr -Principal - in-charge M.A. English
Mobile - 9861906123