CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) at its official website ( has released the guidelines on application form for Private Candidates who were failed in Class 12th exams at the All India Secondary School Examination of the Board or regular students who were unable to give the exam s due to Medical reasons.
Definition of Private Candidate
A private Candidate means a person who is not a Regular Candidate but, under the provisions of byelaws, is allowed to undertake and/or appear in the All India/Delhi Senior School Certificate Examination or All India/Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board.
Persons eligible to appear as �Private Candidate� at Delhi Senior School Certificate (Class XII) Examination
- A candidate who had failed at the Delhi Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board will be eligible to reappear at a subsequent examination as a private candidate in the syllabus and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he/she will reappear.
- The following categories of candidates shall also be eligible to appear as private candidates at the Delhi Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board on the conditions laid down in these byelaws :
- Teachers serving in educational institutions affiliated to the Board, who have already passed Secondary or an equivalent examination at least two years before taking the Senior School Certificate Examination. Teacher candidates shall submit his application form along with a certificate by the Head of School in which they are serving duly countersigned by the Director of Education of the State/Union Territory concerned to the Regional Officer of the Board of the region in which the teacher is serving;
- Women candidates who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and have passed the Delhi Secondary or an equivalent examination at least two years before appearing at the Senior School Certificate Examination subject to conditions mentioned in byelaw 17(iii); and
- physically handicapped students having passed the Secondary School Examination or its equivalent at least two years before appearing at the Senior School Certificate Examination on producing reasonable evidence of having deficiency to attend normal institutions for the purpose of studies.
- Teachers serving in educational institutions affiliated to the Board, who have already passed Secondary or an equivalent examination at least two years before taking the Senior School Certificate Examination. Teacher candidates shall submit his application form along with a certificate by the Head of School in which they are serving duly countersigned by the Director of Education of the State/Union Territory concerned to the Regional Officer of the Board of the region in which the teacher is serving;
- Women/handicapped private candidates shall be required to satisfy the following additional conditions :
- that they have privately pursued the prescribed course of studies under proper guidance; and
- that they are unable to join a Senior Secondary School affiliated to the Board or there are such other reasons compelling them to appear at the examination as a private candidate.
- that they have privately pursued the prescribed course of studies under proper guidance; and
Persons eligible to appear as private Candidate at All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII)
- A candidate who had failed at the All India Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board will be eligible to reappear at a subsequent examination as a private candidate in the syllabus and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
- Teachers serving in educational institutions affiliated to the Board who have already passed Secondary or an equivalent examination at least two years before taking the Senior School Certificate Examination. Teacher candidates shall submit his application form along with a certificate by the Head of school in which they are serving duly countersigned by the Director of Education of the State/Union Territory concerned to the Regional Officer of the Board of the region in which the teacher is serving.
Procedures for Submission of Applications of Private Candidates at All India/DelhiSenior School Certificate Examination (Class XII)
- A private candidate must submit to the Regional Officer to the Board within the prescribed limit an application in the form prescribed together with the prescribed fee for the examination (vide Annexure II) and three copies of passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate and countersigned in case of teacher by the authorities mentioned in byelaw 17(ii)(a) or byelaw 18(ii) and in case of others a member of the Governing Body of the Board or Head of a School affiliated to the Board.
- If the application of private candidate is received after the prescribed date, he shall pay late fee as prescribed.
- When a private candidate's application for admission to the examination is rejected, the examination fee, including late fee, if any paid by him less Rs. 10/- or the amount as decided by Chairman from time to time will be refunded to him provided that in the case of candidates whose applications have been rejected on account of the candidate's producing a false certificate or making a false statement in the application, the full amount of fee shall be forfeited.
- Private candidates shall not be allowed to offer for their examination, a subject (even if the subject is recognised for the examination) which is not being taught in an affiliated School.
- Private candidates shall not be allowed to offer such subjects for the examination which involve practical work except in the case of candidates who had failed earlier and who had put in a regular course of study at an institution affiliated to the Board in the previous academic year. However notwithstanding this condition, female candidates may offer Home Science with practical.
- Those regular candidates who have failed to obtain promotion to class xii of the school affiliated to the Board or any other recognised Board shall not be admitted to the Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board as private candidates.
- Every year, in the beginning of the session, the Heads of Schools shall send to the Regional Officer concerned, a list of female and handicapped students who have been detained in class xi containing student's name, date of birth, the name of his father or guardian and the place of residence.
Persons eligible to appear as Private Candidate for Delhi Secondary School (Class X)Examination
- The following categories of candidates shall be eligible to appear as private candidates at the Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board in the Syllabus and Courses as prescribed of the examination concerned on the conditions as laid down in these byelaws.
- Candidates who had failed at the Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board;
- Teachers serving in educational institutions affiliated to the Board;
- Women candidates who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi; and satisfy the following additional conditions :
that they have privately pursued the prescribed course of study under proper guidance; and
that they are unable to join a Secondary School affiliated to the Board or there are such other reasons compelling them to appear at the examination as a private candidate.
A women student who has left an institution at a stage earlier than or in class IX, shall not be permitted to appear at the examination as a private candidate in a year earlier than in which she would have appeared, had she continued her studies in a recognised institution upto Secondary Examination. - Physically handicapped students on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty to attend normal institutions in the subjects not involving practical training/examination.
- Candidates who had failed at the Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board;
Persons eligible to appear as a Private Candidate for All India Secondary School (Class X) Examination
- A candidate who had failed at the All India Secondary School Examination of the Board, will be eligible to reappear at the subsequent examination as a private candidate in the Syllabus and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
- Teachers serving in institutions affiliated to the Board.
Procedure for Submission of Applications of Private Candidates at All India/DelhiSecondary School (Class X) Examination
- The application forms for teachers shall be countersigned by the Director of Education of the State/U.T. concerned and those of others by a member of the Governing Body of the Board or by the Head of an institution affiliated to the Board.
- A Private candidate must submit within the prescribed date to the Regional Officer concerned., an application in the form prescribed together with the prescribed fee (Vide Annexure II) for the examination and three copies of the passport size photograph duly signed by the candidate and countersigned by one of the authorities mentioned at (i) above.
- If the application of a private candidate is received after the prescribed date, he shall pay late fee as prescribed.
- When a private candidate's application for admission to the examination is rejected, the examination fee, including late fee, if any paid by him less Rs. 10/- or the amount as decided by the Chairman from time to time will be refunded to him provided that in the case of candidates whose applications have been rejected on account of the candidates producing a false certificate or making false statement in the application, the full amount of fees shall be forfeited.
- Those regular candidates who have failed to obtain promotion to class X of the school affiliated to the Board or any other recognised Board shall not be admitted to the Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board as private candidates.
- Every year in the beginning of the session, the heads of Schools shall send to the Regional Officer, Delhi, a list of female and handicapped students who have been detained in class IX containing student's name, date of birth, name of his/her father of guardian and the place of residence.
- Women Private candidate under byelaw 20 shall not be allowed to offer Science with practical work, unless she has put in a regular course of study in an institution affiliated to the Board and produces a certificate to that effect to the satisfaction of the Board. However, notwithstanding this condition they can offer Home-Science with Practical without such a certificate.
- Private candidates shall not be allowed to offer for their examination a subject (even if the subject is recognised for the examination) which is not being taught in an affiliated institution.