About Rimuli College Rimuli Keonjhar
THE PRINCIPAL : Kartik Chandra Mishra, Principal
Contact Number: : 9437157614
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
Sachidananda Parida, Reader inPol. Science
Contact Number: : 9437655794
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Bidyadhar Mahanta, Reader in Economics
Contact Number: : 9437215039
Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO):
Umamani Mishra, Sr. Clerk
Contact Number: : 9937599183
Rimuli College, Rimuli, Dist-Keonjhar is a progressive Co-educational institution of higher education in the area. It is situated at the junction of Keonjhar-Rourkela (N.H.215) and Rimuli- Ranchi (N.H.75) roads and close to the village of Rimuli in Keonjhar district of Odisha State.
Rimuli, situated amidst the woodland grace gives a picturesque surrounding with pre-dominantly inhabited by Scheduled caste, Scheduled Tribe and other economically down trodden communities, who for various reasons (economic, social, geographical etc.) were hitherto neglected and deprived of the rights of higher education until this College was established and fulfilled the long felt earnest desire of the people for the pursuit of higher education.
The idea of having a College at Rimuli cherished in the minds of the local intelligentsia long before it could become a reality. In 1982, a few village elders put their heads together to start a College when they found that demand from the public living in and around the area became aproposition of pressing need. In fact, they took a very bold step towards establishing this College which at present is running 30th year.
The College began functioning in 1982 primarily as an Arts College with provision for teaching intermediate Arts Course, for which affiliation was granted by the Utkal University. In the first year (1982-83), there were only 128 students and the College was started in the local High School. Then the College took a long stride in having its own lands and buildings and the three faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce at the higher Secondary (plus two) level started functioning right from the year 1983-84 and the institution got affiliated to the council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha. The foundation stone of the present building of the Rimuli College was laid down by Sj. Gangadhar Mohapatra, the then Education Minister, Govt. of Odisha in 1983. In the year 1986, the College got affiliation for opening of new subjects i.e. Psychology, Education, Sociology and S.P.S.T. at the +2 Arts level and the sanctioned strength of Arts and Science streams increased from 192 to 256 and from 96 to 160 seats respectively.
In the year 1987, +3 Degree Classes in Arts were opened with a total strength of 128 students. In 1993, +3 Degree Classes in science were opened with a total strength of 64 students. Subsequently Honours teaching facilities in five subjects i.e. Pol.Sc., History, Sanskrit, Chemistry and Zoology were opened. Since 1998, the college has been affiliated to the North-Orissa University, Baripada.
Taking into consideration of the increasing of the increasing demands of the students of the tribal area, the Govt.of Odisha have been pleased to accord permission for opening of Honours subject in physics, Mathematics and Odia, Opening of +3 Commerce stream with 64 seats and extension of seats in +3 Science stream from 64 seats to 96 seats from the current academic session 2011-12. in addition, North-orissa University has also approved the college as a study centre for offering programmes in M.B.A. and PGDCA under distance Learning mode from the current session 2011-12.
Along with the diversification of courses, the number of seats in various classes have been raised from time to time and the total sanctioned strength of students has gone up to more then 1600 at present. Keeping in view the increasing demands of the students of the area, the College proposes to open additional subjects, Honours in various Arts, Science and Commerce subjects in the coming years.
The outstanding growth of the College is attributed to the donations received from the generous public, industrial sectors, local M.L.As & M.Ps, eminent personalities and the Ex-students from time to time. The College is flourishing because of the grants received from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi under Basic Assistance and the Development Assistance in various plan periods and the necessary aid and assistance from the state Government for its development.
The College has ample scope to expand itself to a full-fledged multi-faculty degree College with all amenities within a few years to come. In its march of progress and prosperity, it sincerely seeks the good will and help of its well wishers.
THE PRINCIPAL : Kartik Chandra Mishra, Principal
Contact Number: : 9437157614
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
Sachidananda Parida, Reader inPol. Science
Contact Number: : 9437655794
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Bidyadhar Mahanta, Reader in Economics
Contact Number: : 9437215039
Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO):
Umamani Mishra, Sr. Clerk
Contact Number: : 9937599183