The College implement various students Welfare Programmes by the
funding of U.G.C like remedial Coaching, Personality development Coaching and
as per the U.G.C guideline. It imparts U.G.C Course Patterns of U.G Raving
honours teaching scope in English, Odia, History, Pol. Sc. and Economics with
16 Seats each in the above Subjects. The existing Sanctioned Strength of +3
Arts is 192, +2 Arts is 256 and +2 Science & Commerce 64 Seats each. The
instituation is in a very peaceful atmosphere with wel furnished class rooms,
Common rooms for Staff members, Girls and Boys Students and toilet facilities
for Staff and Students.
For Details on College One can Contact the Following Authorities
The Principal
Sj. Bijay Kumar Naik
Office - 06728 247019
Mobile - 9861447297
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
Mr. Gangadhar Dash - H.O.D, History
Office NO - 0672-8247019
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Dr. Srinibash Tripathy - H.O.D, Odia
Office NO - 06728 247019