The college was established in the year 1990 Anchalika
Mahavidyalaya, Jagannath Prasad, Ganjam, Orissa in the district of Ganjam recognized by the
Govt. in the Dept. of Higher Education and Affiliated to CHSE, Odisha.
Anchalika Mahavidyalaya, is a
disciplined college in Rural area which has been functioning to achieve
meticulously its goal.
The institution is a leading college of Jagannath Prasad
Block imparts education to the Boys &
girls.The college aims at educating weaker section of the areas of J.N.Prasad,
Ganjam adjacent to its catching areas. The college has streams like
Arts, Science & Commerce having strength of 128, 64, 64 students
respectively. The affiliated optional subjects in +2 Arts, Science &
Commerce. As per the Govt. instruction the teaching of Yoga and Environmental
Education has been introduced for all the students in order to develop
physical, mental and social character.
For Details on College One can Contact the Following Authorities
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
The Principal
Nrusingha Charan Pradhan - Principal in charge (Lect. In Chemistry) (GIA)
Office No- 06818 -262151
Mobile - 9238680985
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Dr. Jaya Deva Gouda - Lect. in Hist
Mobile - 9437721959