Established in 1993 as Anchalika Sahayog Junior College
Subdega, Sundargarh Orissa
Anchalika Sahayog Junior College is situated in a tribal dominated part of Odisha and strives hard
for excellence in its way to fulfil its goal and mission since then. Basically,
it Aims at educating weaker sections, which constitute about half of the
population of Western Odisha . From a student
strength of 128 in +2Arts 1993, the college has made rapid strides over the
periods of time and has grown into a full-fledged college with increasing 192
seats in +2 Arts in 2004/05 and opening +2 science stream with 64 seats in
1998, catering to the needs of the local tribal students.
For Details on College One can Contact the Following Authorities
First Appellate Authority (FAA):
The Principal
Himansu Bhaisal
Office - 06622 278070
Mobile -9437757817
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Girigobardhan Nayak - Lect. in Physics
Office - 06622-278070
Mobile - 9937877410
Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO):
Narottam Naik - Lect. in Math
Office - 06622 -278070
Mobile - 9777560595