Anchalik Baldev Jew Women's Junior College, Alkund, Jajpur
Orissa was established on 07/07/1985. Anchalik
Baldev Jew Women's Junior College is situated in the rural area of Odisha. In
Honour of Lord Baladev, Social activist Sj.Golak Prasad Das founded this
College to impart Higher Education to the Women in a rural and remote area of
undivided Cuttack District.Since then the College has been striving hard for
academic excellence among the women in the Baldev Jew Campus. Primarily, the
College aims at educating weaker sections of society like scheduled Castes
& Minor Community like Muslims of the place which is dominated by these
segments of the people. At the
beginning there were only 128 students in the Arts Stream in the 1986-87 &
64 students were admitted into science next year. Now we have 256 students in
the Arts Stream & 128 students in the Science Stream with Permanent
Affiliation & Concurrence. Though the college was eligible for receiving
Grant-in-Aid w.e.f. 1994, unfortunately it could not come under the
Grant-in-Aid fold at that time due lack of funds of the Government.
The college
received Block-Grant in the year 2004.However the college has been eligible to
receive Grant-in-Aid from 1.6.1994 by the orders of Hon'ble High Court,Odisha.
But being a Junior College, it is out of purview of UGC Grant & NAAC
accredition. As the institution collects small amounts towards admission &
development the college has been under going financial constraints science its
inception.In spite of this major disadvantage, the college has never neglected
its obligatory duties. In addition to imparting teaching in different subjects
it creates awareness among the masses through its various Y.R.C. activities. On
the whole the college is careful about bringing an all-round development of the
women students and making them self-sufficient in a fiercely competitive world.
For Details on College One can Contact the Following Authorities
The Principal
Mrs. Sailaja Nayak
Office - 06728 222572
Public Information Officer (PIO):
Mr. Bigyan Mohanty -Lect-in-Chemistry
Office -06728 237555
Mobile - 9437271433